Physical nature of Matter

Concept Explanation

Physical nature of Matter

Materials: a substance which is used in making different objects is called material. Example: steel is used to make knives, utensils, cars, buildings, bridges and chair is a material made from wood. Types of material:

  • 1.    Natural material: those materials which are obtained from nature like cotton, silk, coal.
  • 2.    Human made material: Those materials which are made by humans in factories by combining two or more materials are called human made material like plastic, glass etc.
  • Important points:

  • An object may be made up of different material, for example chair is made up of wood, plastic, iron.
  • Different types of objects can be made up of same material like plastic
  • An object can be made up of combinations of material like cakes, biscuits etc
  • Physical Nature of Matter: The physical nature of matter can be defined on the properties.

  • Matter is made up of particles.
  • The particles of matter are too small to be imagined.
  • The particles of some matter are in constant motion.
  • The particles of matter attract each other.
  • The particles of matter have spaces between them
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    The quantity of matter present in an object is called its ____________

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 2

    Which of the following is a Natural material?

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 3

    The physical state of water at  100^oC  is _____________________

    Right Option : D
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